Sunday, January 1, 2012

Fishing trip on 12/31/11

Rain postponed the trip planned for 12/26, but yesterday's weather more than made up for it. An old friend went with me on this trip, and it felt really good to be on the water on such a sunny day. Even though no crappie were located, alot was learned about the new fishing spot. Mainly - most of it was dangerously shallow with the water level lowered for the winter. After spending a couple of hours just puttering around looking for some decent depths to fish, we finally settled for this railroad bridge.

Here's my buddy Brian just enjoying the nice weather.

A big tug on my line meant either a drum or catfish - and thankfully, it was the latter. This dude was brought home and cleaned for the freezer.

With 5 catfish this size now in the freezer, I'm hoping for some crappie pretty soon. Oh well, Daddy loves eating catfish, so we'll get them cooked up in the near future.
We only got the boat stuck on bottom once, and will likely put in at a boat ramp closer to the main river channel next time.
